Minyar Sassi , Amel Grissa-Touzi , Habib Ounelli
computers and their applications 39 -46
Amel Grissa Touzi , Minyar Sassi , Habib Ounelli
Int. J. Comput. Their Appl. 16 220 -233
Minyar Sassi , Amel Grissa Touzi , Habib Ounelli
database and expert systems applications 639 -649
Amel Grissa Touzi , Aicha Thabet , Minyar Sassi
international conference on swarm intelligence 191 -199
Minyar Sassi , Oussama Tlili , Habib Ounelli
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems V 5 1 -27
Olfa Arfaoui , Minyar Sassi ,
ieee international conference on fuzzy systems 683 -690
Minyar Sassi ,
Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems 9 ( 1) 37 - 63
Minyar Sassi , Amel Grissa-Touzi
Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology(6) 267 -270
Amel Grissa-Touzi , Minyar Sassi
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 11 51 -54
Minyar Sassi , Amel Grissa Touzi , Habib Ounelli
The 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science & Information Technology (CSIT 2006), Amman-Jordan (April 5-7, 2006)
Oussama Tlili , Minyar Sassi , Habib Ounelli
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.3223
Minyar Sassi , Amel Grissa Touzi , Habib Ounelli
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 5 ( 4) 426 -434
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 18 ( 02) 133 -151
S Alouane , M Sassi Hidri , K Barkaoui
the 5th International Conference on Web and Information Technologies 265 -274
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Amel Grissa Touzi ,
Int. Arab. J. e Technol. 2 187 -196
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Mohamed Ali Zoghlami , Mohamed Charouel
EGC 49 -54
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Rahma Souli-Jbali , Rahma Ben Ayed
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 11 ( 3) 379 -384
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Olfa Arfaoui , Rania Mkhinini Gahar , Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane
arXiv: Learning
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Rahma Souli-Jbali , Rahma Ben Ayed
compsac workshops 393 -397
Minyar Sassi Hidri , Adel Hidri , Suleiman Ali Alsaif
The first computers 10 ( 5) 62