Rebekah Russell-Bennett , Declan Kuch , Chris Riedy , John Gardner
Queensland University of Technology
Rebekah Russell-Bennett , Chris Riedy , John Gardner , Heap Yih John Chong
Queensland University of Technology
Rebekah Russell-Bennet , Chris Riedy , Declan Kuch , John Gardner
Sarah Niklas , Dani Alexander , Scott Dwyer
Sustainability 14 ( 6) 3186 -3186
Sven Teske , Sarah Niklas , Rusty Langdon
Report prepared by the University of Technology Sydney for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Published by TUMI Management Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 162 -162
Jay Rutovitz , Dirk Visser , Samantha Sharpe , Holly Taylor
RACE for 2030
Rebekah Russell-Bennett , Declan Kuch , Chris Riedy , John Gardner
Report for RACE for 2030
Sarah Niklas
A. Teske , S. , Niklas , S.
SN Applied Sciences 4 ( 4) 125 -125
S Teske , S Niklas , A Atherton , S Kelly
Institute for Sustainable Futures/University of Technology Sydney