Mooers , Cooper
oceans conference 1 -5
Cortis Cooper , Tom Mitchell , George Forristall , James Stear
Marine Technology Society Journal 47 ( 3) 19 -26
Larry A Mayer , Michel C Boufadel , Jorge Brenner , Robert S Carney
National Academies Press
Lakshmi Kantha , Jei-Kook Choi , Kenneth J Schaudt , Cortis K Cooper
Geophysical Monograph Series 161 165 -180
Bryan R Pearce , Cortis K Cooper
Journal of the Hydraulics Division 107 ( 3) 285 -302
Cortis K Cooper
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 78675 V001T13A029 -V001T13A029
Ekaterina V Maksimova , Cortis K Cooper
Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology 517 -530
Keith A Kvenvolden , Cortis K Cooper
American Asso ciation of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention, Official Program 12 A97 -A97
Cortis K Cooper
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AB Aalbers , CK Cooper , S Nowak , JR Lloyd
City University Jack-Up Conference
Bryan R Pearce , CK Cooper , E Doyle
Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, ASCE/San Francisco, CA, September 10 -12
Geology, Earth Sciences and Environmental Factors 1995 Offshore Technology Conference 363 -376
DG McGillivray , RH Goodman , CK Cooper , DR Browne
CK Cooper
Advanced Physical Oceanographic Numerical Modelling 411 -411
CK Cooper
Engineering and Medicines National Academy of Sciences ,
National Academies Press
Cortis Kenneth Cooper , Bryan R Pearce ,
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics
Cortis Kenneth Cooper ,
University of Maine