Simon J. Unterholzner , Barbara Hailer , Brigitte Poppenberger , Wilfried Rozhon
Plasmid 70 ( 2) 216 -225
Wenwen Huang , Delphine Pitorre , Olena Poretska , Christine Marizzi
Plant Physiology 167 ( 4) 1471 -1486
Carlos Agius , Sabine von Tucher , Brigitte Poppenberger , Wilfried Rozhon
Molecules 23 ( 6) 1389
Elena K. Petutschnig , Marnie Stolze , Ulrike Lipka , Michaela Kopischke
New Phytologist 204 ( 4) 955 -967
Marina Eremina , Wilfried Rozhon , Brigitte Poppenberger
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 73 ( 4) 797 -810
Wilfried Rozhon , Elena Petutschnig , Mamoona Khan , David K Summers
BMC Microbiology 10 ( 1) 56 -56
Sigrid Husar , Franz Berthiller , Shozo Fujioka , Wilfried Rozhon
BMC Plant Biology 11 ( 1) 51 -51
Wilfried Rozhon , Wuyan Wang , Franz Berthiller , Juliane Mayerhofer
BMC Plant Biology 14 ( 1) 172 -172
Brigitte Poppenberger , Wilfried Rozhon , Mamoona Khan , Sigrid Husar
The EMBO Journal 30 ( 6) 1149 -1161
Wilfried Rozhon , Sigrid Husar , Florian Kalaivanan , Mamoona Khan
PLoS ONE 8 ( 1) e53650
Dianna Bowles , Judith Isayenkova , Eng-Kiat Lim , Brigitte Poppenberger
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8 ( 3) 254 -263
Mamoona Khan , Wilfried Rozhon , Jean Bigeard , Delphine Pflieger
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 ( 11) 7519 -7527
Wolfgang Schweiger , Jayanand Boddu , Sanghyun Shin , Brigitte Poppenberger
Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions 23 ( 7) 977 -986
Sebastian Schramm , Maria Fe Angela Comia Boco , Sarah Manzer , Oliver König
Molecules 24 ( 8) 1531
Marina Eremina , Simon J. Unterholzner , Ajith I. Rathnayake , Marcos Castellanos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 ( 40)
Pablo Albertos , Konstantin Wagner , Brigitte Poppenberger
Plant Cell and Environment 42 ( 3) 846 -853
Brigitte Poppenberger , Franz Berthiller , Doris Lucyshyn , Tobias Sieberer
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 ( 48) 47905 -47914
Brigitte Poppenberger , Franz Berthiller , Herwig Bachmann , Doris Lucyshyn
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 ( 6) 4404 -4410
Anna Nowicka , Barbara Tokarz , Jana Zwyrtková , Eva Dvořák Tomaštíková
Plant Journal 102 ( 1) 68 -84
Simon J Unterholzner , Brigitte Poppenberger , Wilfried Rozhon
Mobile genetic elements 3 ( 5)