Atlantic coast rivers of the northeastern United States

John K Jackson , Sally A Entrekin , Hamish S Greig , Allison H Roy
Academic Press 20 -67

Agricultural layering explains variation in sediment P dynamics in streams draining two distinct agricultural biomes

Danielle Braund , Jennifer L Tank , Matt T Trentman , Sally A Entrekin
University of Notre Dame

Effects of natural gas recovery on Arkansas streams

Sally A Entrekin , Erica N Jensen , Julia Kelso , Ginny Adams

Prioritizing Stream Restoration Projects in the City of Roanoke: Peters Creek Case Study

Theresa M Thompson , W Cully Hession , Sidney Huffman , Sally A Entrekin
Prioritizing Stream Restoration Projects in the City of Roanoke: Peters Creek Case Study

Global review reveals how disparate study motivations, analytical designs, and focal ions limit understanding of salinization effects on freshwater animals

Richard H Walker , Abigail C Belvin , Joshua B Mouser , Amanda Pennino
Science of the Total Environment 892 164061 -164061

Too much of a good thing: Evidence of sodium stress in an inland subtropical riparian detrital system

Connor P Gruntz , Sally A Entrekin , Michelle A Evans-White , Natalie A Clay
Applied Soil Ecology 169 104194 -104194

Sodium as a subsidy in the spring: evidence for a phenology of sodium limitation

Natalie A Clay , Maggie C Herrmann , Michelle A Evans-White , Sally A Entrekin
Oecologia 201 ( 3) 783 -795

When nutrients become contaminants in aquatic systems: identifying responses to guide terrestrial-derived detrital endpoint development for managers

Michelle A Evans-White , Candice Bauer , Sally A Entrekin
Contaminants and Ecological Subsidies: The Land-Water Interface 197 -251

Impact of natural gas wells on periphyton and metabolism in streams in north central Arkansas

Brad Austin , Erica N Jensen , Kara Brick , Michelle Evans-White

Effects of phosphorus enrichment on detritus and detritivores in Ozark streams

Michelle A Evans-White , Clay Prater , Erin E Scott , Eric J Norman

Increased chironomid growth with increasing food quality

Chris Fuller , Sally A Entrekin , Michelle A Evans-White

Dietary influences on production, stoichiometry and decomposition of particulate wastes from shredders

Halvor M Halvorson , Chris Fuller , Sally A Entrekin , Michelle A Evans‐White
Freshwater Biology 60 ( 3) 466 -478

Effects of large woody debris addition on organic matter retention and nutrient uptake in three headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Gary A. Lamberti , Emma J. Rosi-Marshall , S. A. Entrekin , Jennifer L. Tank
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2005