D. Renard , P. Robert , C. Garnier , E. Dufour
Journal of Biotechnology 79 ( 3) 231 -244
S. Bourriot , C. Garnier , J.-L. Doublier
Carbohydrate Polymers 40 ( 2) 145 -157
G. Agoda-Tandjawa , S. Durand , C. Gaillard , C. Garnier
Carbohydrate Polymers 90 ( 2) 1081 -1091
G. Agoda-Tandjawa , S. Durand , C. Gaillard , C. Garnier
Carbohydrate Polymers 87 ( 2) 1045 -1057
M.A.V. Axelos , C. Garnier , C.M.G.C. Renard , J.-F. Thibault
Progress in Biotechnology 14 35 -45
A.I. Rodríguez-Hernández , S. Durand , C. Garnier , A. Tecante
Food Hydrocolloids 20 ( 8) 1223 -1230
C. Garnier , C. Michon , S. Durand , G. Cuvelier
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M.M. Alves , C. Garnier , J. Lefebvre , M.P. Gonçalves
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C. Garnier , M.A.V. Axelos , J.-F. Thibault
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H. Chanvrier , S. Durand , C. Garnier , G. Sworn
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L. Donato , C. Garnier , B. Novales , J.-L. Doublier
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M. Assad Bustillos , C. Jonchère , C. Garnier , A.L. Réguerre
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M.C. Michalski , R. Cariou , F. Michel , C. Garnier
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Agata W Zykwinska , Marie-Christine J Ralet , Catherine D Garnier , Jean-François J Thibault
Plant Physiology 139 ( 1) 397 -407
Catherine Garnier , Gérard Cuvelier , Jean-Louis Doublier
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Isabelle Deleris , Patrick Etievant , Laurent Brachais , Claude Genot
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Sophie Bourriot , Catherine Garnier , Jean-Louis Doublier
International Dairy Journal 9 ( 3-6) 353 -357
Estelle Bonnin , Catherine Garnier , Marie-Christine Ralet
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98 ( 2) 519 -532
Catherine Garnier , Monique A.V. Axelos , Jean-François Thibault
Carbohydrate Research 256 ( 1) 71 -81