葉鎮源 , 柯皓仁 , 楊維邦 ,
葉鎮源 , 楊維邦 , 柯皓仁 , 鄭培成
資訊管理學報 21 ( 3)
陳信源 , 葉鎮源 , 林昕潔 , 黃明居
朝陽科技大學資訊學院 ( 3: 1) 2 -1
葉鎮源 , 楊維邦 , 柯皓仁 ,
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Wei-Pang Yang , Hao-Ren Ke
SMO'06 Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization 464 -469
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Aaron Harnly
conference on email and anti-spam
Pei-Cheng Cheng , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke , Been-Chian Chien
Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images 3491 793 -804
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Tien-Yu Hsu , Cheng-Jung Tsai , Pei-Cheng Cheng
international conference software and computer applications 87 -91
Tien-Yu Hsu , Jen-Yuan Yeh
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 8 12 -28
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke , Wei-Pang Yang , I-Heng Meng
Information Processing and Management 41 ( 1) 75 -95
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke , Wei-Pang Yang
Expert Systems With Applications 35 ( 3) 1451 -1462
Jung Yi Lin , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Chao Chung Liu
computational intelligence 45 -49
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Jung-Yi Lin
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 30 ( 1) 27 -47
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke , Wei-Pang Yang
international conference on asian digital libraries 2555 76 -87
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Jung-Yi Lin , Hao-Ren Ke , Wei-Pang Yang
Proceedings of SIGIR 2007 workshop on learning to rank for information retrieval (LR4IR 2007)
Chien-Ying Chen , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.4065
Pei-Cheng Cheng , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Been-Chian Chien , Hao-Ren Ke
CLEF (Working Notes)
Pei-Cheng Cheng , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Hao-Ren Ke , Been-Chian Chien
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3491 793 -804
Jen-Yuan Yeh , Shihn-Yuarn Chen
Journal of Digital Information Management 14 ( 1)
Jung Yi Lin , Jen-Yuan Yeh , Chao-Chung Liu
Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 2012 International Conference on 5 1754 -1759