作者: Alison Todes
关键词: Standard form 、 Economic space 、 Philosophy 、 Spatial planning 、 Infrastructure planning 、 Theology
摘要: In South Africa, broad spatial frameworks have become a standard form of planning, but been critiqued on various grounds. This paper focuses three lines along which planning may be reconsidered. First, it argues that is important for planners to engage with the complexity socio-spatial dynamics city. Secondly, suggests need deeper understanding urban economic space and more conscious consideration way in relates markets. Thirdly, could enhanced by stronger link infrastructure planning. Herdink ruimtelike beplanning Bree raamwerke het 'n standaard vorm van beplanning Suid-Afrika geword, maar hierdie op verskeie gronde gekritiseer. Hierdie artikel fokus drie lyne waarvolgens oorweeg mag word. Eerstens, word geargumenteer dat dit belangrik vir beplanners om die kompleksiteit sosio-ruimtelike dinamiek stad te hanteer. Tweedens, voorgestel sterker begrip stedelike ekonomiese ruimte en meer bewustelike oorweging manier waarop met markte geassosieer word, benodig. Derdens, kan versterk deur band infrastruktuurbeplanning he. Moralo wa tikoloho tekolobotjha Meralo e pharalletseng ya Afrika Borwa bile mokgwa o amohelehang ho rala, empa hona ile ha sehollwa mabakeng mmalwa. Pampiri ena itshetlehile hodima mela meraro eo moralo lokelang shejwa ka yona. Ntlheng pele, leka bontsha bohlokwa ba diradi tshwarahana le rarahana boahi motsemoholo. Ntlha bobedi, sisinya hore di hloka kutlwisiso batsi sebaka sa moruo toropong ela hloko moo rala amanang mebaraka teng. boraro, matlafatswa ke kgokahano matla boradi infrastratjha.