作者: M. J. Betty
关键词: Surgery 、 Medicine
摘要: Manypapers ontheresults ofsurgical removal of gliomata havebeenpublished, butfewhavegiven adequate details ofthequality ofsurvival. Inthelast decade, reviews oflarge series, consisting mainly cases ofglioblastoma multiforme, havebeengiven byDavis, Martin, Goldstein, andAskenazy (1949), PenmanandSmith(1954), Frankel andGerman (1958), Tonnis andWalter (1959), Bettag Roth andElvidge (1960), andLey,Ley,Guitart, and Oliveras (1962). Thesehavebeenconcerned with detailed analyses ofsymptoms andsigns andthe duration ofpost-operative survival, butthequality ofsurvival hasbeenonlybriefly mentioned. This maybeduetodifficulty inobtaining followupinformation, andsomeofthepapers deal withthe combined results ofseveral surgeons. Thepresent paper isconcerned withthequality inagroupofpatients treated byonesurgeon, andthepathology hasbeenstudied byoneneuropathologist, sothatthere hasbeenuniformity in treatment andhistological grading.