A comparative floral and pollination biology ofTricyrtis flava maxim.,T. nana yatabe andT. ohsumiensis

作者: Hiroshi Takahashi

DOI: 10.1007/BF02488323

关键词: AutogamyPollinatorGeitonogamyBotanyTricyrtis flavaPlant ecologyForage (honey bee)PollenPollinationBiology

摘要: The floral and pollination biology of three closely related species,Tricyrtis flava, T. nana andT. ohsumiensis, were comparatively investigated. primary pollinator wasBombus diversus in all the species observed, andAmegilla sp. also acted forT. ohsumiensis. flowers ofT. flava ohsumiensis bloom for two days are protandrous. Thus autogramy seems to be prevented these when larger bees forage on them, though geitonogamy may occur. On other hand,T. appears a primarily self-pollinating species. this open only during one day homogamy. stigmata seem receive much pollen their own flower by visit bumblebees. Moreover, many fruited without any pollinators.T. has features characterizing autogamous derivatives.

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