摘要: We are indebted to many people for their encouragement and advice in undertaking this project. Above all, however, we must thank the editor of journal, whose practical scientifc judgment kept us on track through what turned out be a long at times difficult task. In addition, William Baumol, Gerald Faulhaber, Michael Intriligator, George Lee, Stephen Littlechild, Fritz Machlup, Thomas Marschak, Herve Moulin, Andrew Postlewaite, Juan Eugenio de la Rama, Robert Rosenthal, David Schmeidler, Anne Schotter, Martin Shubik, all whom have read manuscript either part or whole given extremely useful scientific editorial advice. Professor Schotter's participation project was made possible by grant from Office Naval Research Contract No. N00014-78-C-0598, support is gratefully acknowledged. All errors work that follows those authors alone.