Ancient Engineers' Inventions: Precursors of the Present

作者: Flavio Russo , Cesare Rossi , Ferruccio Russo



摘要: Preface PART I : MEASURING THE ENVIRONMENT: Introduction Ancient Greek units Length Area Volume Weight/mass Roman Chap. 1 - MASS: 1.1 The balance scale 1.2 steelyard Observations 2 DISTANCE 2.1 Jacobs' staff, Astrolabe 2.2 Range finders 2.2.1 Groma 2.2.2 Surveyors' cross 2.2.3 Chorobate 2.3 dioptre by Heron 2.4 ancient odometer 2.4.1 Vitruvius 2.4.2 3 TIME 3.1 sundial 3.1.1 Fixed sundials Equatorial Horizontal Vertical Non-planar 3.1.2 Portable 3.2 Water clocks 3.2.1 Early water 3.2.2 clock Ctesibius 4 COMPUTATION DEVICES: 4.1 abacus 4.2 mesolabio 4.2.1 of Heratostenes 4.2.2 solution Hippocrates and the Mesolabio Durer 4.3 mechanism Antikitera 4.3.1 history finding 4.3.2 Description 4.3.3 Technological aspects 4.3.4 Planetariums in literature 4.3.5 A recent interesting II USING NATURAL ENERGY: 5 WIND MOTORS: 5.1 wind mills 5.1.1 TheAfghan mill 5.1.2 Cretan 5.2 Wings on sea: sails 5.2.1 Evolution sail rig 5.2.2 Chinese junk 5.2.3 Flettner rotor 6 HYDRAULIC 6.1 wheels with vertical axis 6.1.1 6.1.2 oblique blades 6.2 horizontal 6.2.1 Undershot 6.2.2 Overshot wheel Venafro 6.3 floating 6.4 Middle Ages Renaissance III WATER: 7 LIFTING 7.1 early devices 7.2 Archimedes' screw 7.3 Norias 7.3.1 Scoop 7.3.2 Chain norias 7.4 Pumps 7.4.1 pumps 7.4.2 Reciprocating 8 ADDUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF 8.1 Open ducts 8.2 Penstocks 8.3 great cistern 8.3.1 Piscina Mirabilis at Miseno 8.4 distribution systems 8.4.1 Piezometric turrets 8.5 Pipes 8.5.1 Dimensions lead pipes 8.6 Valves 8.6.1 Shut-off valves 8.6.2 Single control mixers 8.7 Hydraulic mining 8.7.1 technique 'Ruina Montium' 8.7.2 Historical references 9 UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES: 9.1 Scuba divers 9.2 Diving bell IV COMMUNICATION TELECOMMUNICATION: capstan Telecommunication 10 LIFT TRANSPORTS: 10.1 Cranes tackle 10.2 Gravity driven elevators 10.3 charts 10.4 Railed cargo 10.5 rails Pompei 10.6 self propelled vehicles 10.7 ball bearings 10.8 Transport 10.8.1 paddle wheeled boats 10.8.2 Pneumatic 10.9 Cableways 10.10 dawn flight antiquity 10.10.1 Legends tales 10.10.2 gliders 10.10.3 rockets 11 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 11.1 Acoustic 11.2 Carrier pigeons 11.3 Optical telecommunication 11.3.1 Systems based image modification 11.3.2 brilliancy 11.4 Lighthouses 11.5 telegraph V TOWARDS MODERN AGE: 12 SECONDARY MOTORS 12.1 Flexion elastic motors 12.1.1 Metal spring flexion motors, 12.2 Torsion 12.3 12.3.1 air ballista 12.4 Small 12.4.1 Locks padlocks 12.5 Counterweight 12.5.1 trebuchet 12.6
