作者: Sung Woo Park , Dong-Wan Kim , Jae-Geun Koo
摘要: -N/l) for24 hr. The nitrite exposed eels were bathed in 20 ppm aspirin solution (Aspirin), 0.8 % NaCl solution(NaCl), plus 0.8% (NaCl + Aspirin) and 50% free water(control) for 24hr to recover from toxicity. Peripheral blood was taken the arterious bulb all groups toanalyse hematocrit value, hemoglobin concentration, concentration of blood. Histopathologi-cal features gill also observed. Aspirin control more effective than +Aspirin recovery value methemoglobin rate nitriteconcentration. histopathological on group similar those normaleels, but other showed focal hyperemia lamellar carpillaries, epithelial hyperplasia. Theseresults suggested that very methemoglobinemia nitrite-induced cul-tured eelsKey words: Eel, bath, Nitrite toxicity뱀장어는일반적으로순환여과방식에의해집약적으로양식되고있다. 양식중뱀장어에서배출되는다량의유독한암모니아는생물여과막의종속영양세균에의하여질화된다 . 그러나질화과정의중간산물인아질산의농도가양어지내에급증하게되면뱀장어의성장과생존에위험요소로작용하게된다. 이는아질산이헤모글로빈(hemoglobin, Hb)을산소를운반하는능력이없는메트헤모글로빈(methemoglobin, Met-Hb)으로산화시켜아질산중독증(methemoglo-binemia)을유발시키기때문이다. 아질산중독증을유발시키는아질산의농도는어종에따라커다란차이가나는것으로보고되었다(Cameron,1971; Russo et al., 1974; Smith Williams,1974; Westin, Brown McLeay, 1975;Konikoff, 1975; Simth Russo, Colt andTchobanoglous, 1976). 아질산은새변의소금세포를통하여어체의혈장으로유입되고혈장에서의아질산의농도는환경수의수십배에달하게된다(Eddy 1983). 혈장내의아질산은다