摘要: Contents: Part I: Introduction. S. Lewandowsky, W.E. Hockley, Relating Theory and Data: Towards an Integration. II: Perspectives on Human Memory. M.C. Corballis, Memory, Growth, Evolution, Laterality. D.L. Hintzman, Why Are Formal Models Useful in Psychology? L-G. Nilsson, J.M. Gardiner, Memory the Boundary Conditions of Tulving-Wiseman Law. E.U. Weber, W.M. Goldstein, J.R. Busemeyer, Beyond Strategies: Implications Representation Processes for Judgment Decision Making. R.S. Lockhart, Varieties Theoretical Perspectives. III: Immediate R.G. Crowder, I. Neath, The Microscope Metaphor A.F. Healy, T.F. Cunningham, A.T. Gesi, Till, L.E. Bourne, Jr., Comparing Short-Term Recall Item, Temporal, Spatial Information Children Adults. W.K. Estes, On Types Item Coding Source A.D. Baddeley, C. Papagno, D. Norris, Phonological Serial Order: A Sandwich TODAM. F.I.M. Craik, Peace Pipes Around TODAM Pole: Puff IV: Recognition. G. Mandler, Your Face Looks Familiar but I Can't Remember Name: Review Dual Process Theory. Recognition Associative Information: Comparison Forgetting Rates. B.A. Dosher, Bias Discrimination Cuing Memory: Weighted Decisions Model. R. Ratcliff, McKoon, Using ROC Data Priming Results to Test Global Models. N.J. Slamecka, Analysis V: Componential Approaches M.S. Humphreys, J.D. Bain, Episodic Strength Components R.M. Shiffrin, K. Murnane, Composition, Distribution, Interference G.D. Logan, Automaticity W. Kintsch, D.M. Welsch, Construction-Integration Model: Framework Studying Text. E. Tulving, Ben Murdock Complexity VI: Distributed J. Metcalfe, Composite Memories. D.J.K. Mewhort, Popham, Tachistoscopic Letter Strings. Gradual Unlearning Catastrophic Interference: Architectures. J.A. Anderson, Why, Having So Many Neurons, Do We Have Few Thoughts? R.P. Goebel, Retrieval Measures