作者: C. Der-Martirosian , M. Marcus , A. Atchison
摘要: varies indifferent populations basedon sociodemographic variables, andthere islimited understanding ofthis interaction. Thepurpose methodological study wastodetennine thevalidity of theOral Health Status Index, adisease-based index, ona Hispanic population bycomparing itwiththeNIDCR epidemiological measures ofdisease, withtheaddition ofdemographic andbehavioral variables. The epidemiologic datawerecollected according tothe criteria defined bytheNIDCR,including: amodified Decayed Missing Filled Surfaces gingival inflammation, calculus, anddestructive periodontal disease measures. Thedemographic variables weregathered from240interviews with adults intwocommunity clinics. Bivariate analysis wasused todeternine relationships between the descriptive epidemiologic, demographic, andtheOralHealth Index(OHSI). There werestatistically significant differences (p< 0.05) inmeanOHSIscores amongthedemographic age,education, income, andplace ofbirth; andthe behavioral alcohol consumption, flossing, and acculturation. Multiple regression withthe OHSIasthedependent variable showedthatthe statistically 0.001) predictors were: percentage ofDecayed Teeth/Decayed, Teeth; NumberofReplaced Teeth/Missing andmillimeters ofmesial attachment loss. These collectively explained 47.49%ofthevariance inthe regression. Theaddition identified age(p< 0.05), gender 0.01), ofbirth 0.01) as that anadditional 4.12% ofthevanrance, bnrnging thetotal variance to51.61%. Thebehavioral didnot contribute significantly topredicting theOHSI score. TheOralHealth Index inthis isvalidated byitscorrelation both andthedemographic Thiscombination ofvariables separated theHispanics into Mexicans andCentral/South Americans.