摘要: In the present paper, response of thymocytes to Con A is analyzed in terms a cooperative phenomenon between medullary thymocytes, cortical thymic accessory cells, and interleukin 2. Medullary respond spontaneously produce IL-2. The addition exogenously produced IL-2 enhances their proliferation. Small numbers (PNA+) do not A, even presence IL-2-containing supernatant. By increasing number PNA+ cells per well, sensitivity appears. This may be linked either increase minor PNA+-responding population and/or enhanced contamination by macrophages non-responding thymocyte population. this hypothesis, contaminating themselves cooperate with induce Coculture low A- supernatant PNA− containing always produces higher than that each individual These results show occurs cocultures cells. We can using different Thy 1 alleles, indeed both populations participate generation proliferating demonstrate, lysis experiments monoclonal antibodies complement at end coculture, most are Lyt 1+, part 2+ or L3T4+. discuss fact phenotype after activation does allow us deduce precursors. Lysis Ia+ prior reduces level proliferative but modify percentage cooperation coculture. Cooperation mature active Ia− possibly able convert Ia expression during coculture account for these results.