Small cetacean bycatch as estimated from stranding schemes: The common dolphin case in the northeast Atlantic

作者: Hélène Peltier , Matthieu Authier , Rob Deaville , Willy Dabin , Paul D. Jepson

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVSCI.2016.05.004


摘要: Abstract Death in fishing gear of non-target species (called ‘bycatch’) is a major concern for marine wildlife, and mostly worrying long-lived like cetaceans, considering their demographic characteristics (slow population growth rates low fecundity). In European waters, cetaceans are highly impacted by this phenomenon. Under the Common Fishery Policy, EC 812/2004 regulation constitutes legal frame bycatch monitoring on 5–10% vessels >15 m. The aim work was to compare parameters estimates common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) provided observer programmes France UK national reports those inferred from stranding data, through two approaches. Bycatch estimated first correcting effectives drift conditions (using prediction model) then estimating probability being buoyant. Observer allowed us identify specificity interaction between gear, annual bycaught animals (around 550 animals year−1). However, hindered logistical administrative constraints, sampling scheme seems be poorly designed detection mammal bycatches. analyses strandings highlighted areas with high levels interactions fisheries. Since 1997, highest densities at sea were located southern part continental shelf slope Bay Biscay. numbers suggested very levels, ranging 3650 dolphins year−1 [2250–7000] 4700 [3850–5750] dolphins year−1, depending methodological choices. main advantage data its large spatial scale, cutting across boundaries. Diverging interpretation can set different management consequences: suggest sustainable situation dolphins, whereas based highlight unsustainable process.

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