ICES zooplankton methodology manual

作者: Roger Harris , Peter Wiebe , Jurgen Lenz , Hein-Rune Skjoldal , Mark Huntley



摘要: J. Lenz, Introduction. H-R. Skjoldal, P.H. Wiebe, and K.G. Foote, Sampling Experimental Design. D. Sameoto, P. Runge, L. Postel, Dunn, C. Miller, S. Coombs, Collecting Zooplankton. H. Fock, W. Hagen, Biomass Abundance. Gifford Caron, Sampling, Preservation, Enumeration, of Marine Protozooplankton. K. Foote T.K. Stanton, Acoustical Methods. Optical U. Bamstedt, D.J. Gifford, X. Irigoien, A. Atkinson, M. Roman, Feeding. Runge J.C. Roff, The Measurement Growth Reproductive Rates. T. Ikeda, J.J. Torres, Hernandez-Leon, S.P. Geiger, Metabolism. Bucklin, Methods for Population Genetic Analysis F. Carlotti, Giske, Werner, Modeling Zooplankton Dynamics.
