摘要: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease of varying severity caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) slowly multiplying pathogen. It primarily surface with lesions mainly involving the skin and peripheral nerves. Rarely visceral organs like liver, lymphnodes, bone marrow, eyes, bones testes may be involved. Despite prevalence rate leprosy having steadily fallen throughout world, it continues to cause significant public health problem morbidity in endemic regions. The many tropical subtropical countries but declining incidence. Globally, 211903 new cases were detected 2010 (WHO, 2010). most affected are India Brazil some Sub Saharan Africa Southeast Asia (Noordeen, 1995). mode transmission still unknown believed through inhalation bacilli that excreted from nasal passages multibacillary patient. Direct personto-person contact occurs rarely though there have been isolated reports its hypodermic needles during tattooing or physical trauma skin.