摘要: espanolEl objetivo esencial que se persigue en este proyecto es la construccion de una Matriz Contabilidad Social Medioambiental para region Extremadura 2005 (SAMEAEXT-05), a fin explotar informacion contenida dicha matriz. En sentido, las matrices contabilidad social medioambientales representan si mismas herramientas gran relevancia informativa permiten, no solo describir relaciones fundamentales entre economia y el medio ambiente un territorio determinado, sino tambien servir base diferentes modelos economicos. esta ultima propiedad, SAMEAEXT-05 sirve soporte estadistico desarrollo, primer lugar, modelo multisectorial multiplicadores lineales, similares su estructura formulacion los obtenidos partir matriz inversa Leontief (1941). Y, segundo SAM medioambiental construida ano emplea implementar equilibrio general computable (MEGA) ecoambiental capaz simular implantacion mercado del agua bajo distintos escenarios: impactos cambio climatico, mejora eficiencia tecnologia riego e inclusion servicios disfrute desde entorno hidrico extremeno. EnglishThis work aims to elaborate Accounting Matrix and Environmental Accounts for in order exploit this matrix information. In sense, accounting are tools of relevance informative which allow, not only describe fundamental relations between economy environment specific territory, but also serve as basis the development different models. Thus, SAMEA will be used central core construct use analysis like multipliers models applied equilibrium (AGE) on one hand, linear multiplier model is improve understanding direct indirect interactions atmospheric pollutants, raw water consumption Extremadura. And, other an AGE following Negishi format implemented estimate environmental economy-wide gains market under 3 scenarios. First, we simulate decrease availability due climate change. Second, investment more efficient irrigation technology considered. And finally, extend our by including amenity services resource investigate how willingness pay consumers would affect allocation.