摘要: Acupuncture combines the Latin acus (needle) and punctum (a prick) [1]. From historical record of Huangdi Neijin (the Yellow Emperor’s Classic), acupuncture has been used in China as a therapeutic tool for at least 2000 years [2]. In ancient China, soldiers noted, after being wounded by arrows, that their pain often eased quite while [3]. Therefore, cause-andeffect relationship was assumed between arrow wound unexpected diminution pain. However, little known Western world until 1970s U.S. President Nixon’s historic visit to 1972 [4]. Following initial excitement engen‐ dered press reports [5], becomes one most popular treatments alternative medicine (Figure 1), accounts more than 10 million given annually United States [6]. Much interest further engendered tales subsequent visitors who witnessed surgical operations successfully performed on con‐ scious patients under acupunctural anesthesia [7-15]. Scientific studies using modern technol‐ ogy actually began late 1950s with progress made since discovery endogenous opioids 1975 [2,16]. advances have recent understanding basic mechanisms underlying this millennium old medical treatment its various clinical applications 21st century. This chapter reviews current role cardiology.