摘要: In variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), a linked to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), florid-type prion protein (PrP(sc)) deposits are aggregated around the larger diameter (> 10 µm) cerebral microvessels. Clustering of PrP(sc) blood vessels may result from blood-borne prions or be consequence vasculature influencing development florid deposits. To clarify factors involved, dispersion was studied microvessels in neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum ten cases vCJD. majority brain regions, were clustered with mean cluster size between 50 µm 628 µm. With exception molecular layer dentate gyrus, density declined as negative exponential function distance vessel profile suggesting that diffusion molecules is factor formation Diffusion directly into via microvasculature has been demonstrated vCJD small number cases. However, distribution more likely reflect 'chaperones' diffusing promoting aggregation pre-existing vicinity form