摘要: To clinically apply the inverse PSA–body mass index (BMI) correlation and enhance PSA sensitivity in obese cases, a new formula is warranted. An innovated BMI–PSA equation designed. PSA–BMI adjusted (named Hekal's equation): measured total (ng ml−1) multiplied by age (years) divided BMI of patient. The applied over randomly chosen 1000 cases different PSA, BMI, trans-rectal ultrasound biopsy results, yield correlated with pathology age-specific adjustment values. Among 988 complete data, obesity (BMI: 30–35 kg m−2) 236 (23.8%) 79 (7.9%) have BMI>35 kg m−2. Mean was 5.8 ng ml−1 (s.d.±8.4 ng ml−1). Cases stratified based on their (every 10 years). applied. Obesity detected 33.5 43.6% fifth sixth decade life respectively (P=0.02), low values (2.1, 3.8 ng ml−1, respectively). By such measurement may be omitted, missing 53.3% malignant cases. In contrast, were 4 9.3 ng ml−1 within same group patients. With values, decision could not missed for targeted groups. Specificity at cutoff point 4 ng ml−1 41.7 70%, respectively. Based our reproducible, easy formula. higher patients achieved. misleading will corrected.