摘要: Approximately 1 in 10 newborns will require basic resuscitation interventions at birth. Some infants progress to more advanced measures including the provision of positive pressure ventilation, chest compressions, intubation and administration volume/cardiac medications. Although is infrequent, it crucial that personnel adequately trained these techniques are available provide such resuscitative measures. In 2000, Louis Halmalek et al. called for a "New Paradigm Pediatric Medical Education: Teaching Neonatal Resuscitation Simulated Delivery Room Environment." This was one first articles highlight simulation as method teaching newborn resuscitation. The last decades have seen an exponential growth area care, particular stabilization. Simulation best defined instructional strategy "used replace or amplify real experiences with guided evoke replicate substantial aspects world fully interactive manner." training has now become important point how we structure deliver improved healthcare patients. key include feedback, deliberate practice, outcome measurement, retention skills curriculum integration. term "Train win" often used sporting parlance define great teams succeed. major difference between sports generally their game day comes once week, whereas every potentially "game day." this review aim summarize current evidence on use based education neonatal resuscitation, emphasis supporting its effectiveness. We also recent advances development medical context ensure "train win."