作者: Małgorzata Wyciszkiewicz , Agnieszka Saeid , Henryk Górecki , Katarzyna Chojnacka
摘要: In this article, the phytotoxicity of biofertilizer produced from bones and its utilitarian properties are presented. Biofertilizer was obtained from bones in a solubilization process of phosphates conducted by bacteria Bacillus megaterium. Two in vivo tests were used for examination of the utilitarian properties of the biofertilizer: a hydroponic and a germination test. The experiment was performed using three groups of plants and four replications: group 1 − not treated (control 1), group 2 − with a conventional fertilizer (control 2), and group 3 – with the biofertilizer (experimental group). In the hydroponic tests, the best growth parameters were found for the samples where the biofertilizer was applied. The greater dry mass of plants was observed for plants collected from this group compared to the control 1 group and the group where the commercial fertilizer were used. In the case of the plant length and the intensity of green color, statistically significant differences were found. The utilitarian properties of the biofertilizer, evaluated from a germination test, were similar to those of the classical fertilizer. Statistically significant differences were found between the mass and intensity of green color of the experimental group (with the biofertilizer) and the control 1 group.