作者: R Lorenz , U Spengler , S Fischer , J Duhm , P C Weber
摘要: SUMMARY Epidemiologic andexperimental datasuggest an antiatherothrombotic potential ofc-3 polunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, theWestern diet, whichsupplies predominantly w-6polyunsaturatedfatty acids, was supplemented with40ml/day ofcodliver oil, whichprovides about10g ofco-3 polyunsaturated acids daily, for25daysineight volunteers. Thew-3polyunsaturated were incorporated inplatelet anderythrocyte membrane phospholipids attheexpenseofw-6polyunsaturated acids.Bleeding timeincreased (p< 0.01) andplatelet count(p< 0.05), platelet aggregation upon ADPandcollagen 0.01-0.05), andassociated thromboxane B2 formation decreased. Blood pressure(p< 0.05) andblood pressureresponsetonorepinephrine andangiotensin II(NS)fell, without majorchanges inplasma catecholamines, renin, urinary aldosterone, kallikrein, prostaglandins E2 andF2, andredcell cation fluxes. Biochemical andfunctional changes werereversed 4weeks after codliver oilwasdiscontinued. Formation ofprostaglandins derived fromeicosapentaenoic acid andinterference of eicosapentaenoic acidwithformation andaction fromarachidonic evident invitro. Whatever themechanism, this moderate supplement ofw-3polyunsaturated markedly changed membranephospholipids, which wasassociated with ashift toward less reactive platelets anda blunted circulatory responsetopressurehormones. SEVERALindependent lines ofevidence suggest a protective ofdietary (all cisC20:5cw3) against cardiovascular disease. Greenland Eskimos and, toalesser extent, someJapanese, haveahighdietary intake oflong-chain co-3 fromseafood' andalow