作者: Melanie B. Follette-Cook , Kenneth E. Pickering , James H. Crawford , Bryan N. Duncan , Christopher P. Loughner
DOI: 10.1016/J.ATMOSENV.2015.07.024
摘要: We quantify both the spatial and temporal variability of column integrated O3, NO2, CO, SO2, HCHO over Baltimore/Washington, DC area using output from Weather Research Forecasting model with on-line chemistry (WRF/Chem) for entire month July 2011, coinciding first deployment NASA Earth Venture program mission Deriving Information on Surface conditions Column Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ). Using structure function analyses, we find that reproduces observed during campaign reasonably well, especially O3. The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring Pollution (TEMPO) instrument will be make atmospheric composition observations geostationary orbit partially fulfills goals Geostationary Coastal Events (GEO-CAPE) mission. relate simulated precision requirements defined by science traceability matrices these space-borne missions. Results O3 0 2 km altitude indicate TEMPO would able observe air quality events Mid-Atlantic area, even days when violations standard are not widespread. results further indicated horizontal gradients in CO observable moderate distances (≥20 km). tropospheric NO2 only large urban plumes at times peak production, but also weaker between rush hours. This suggests proposed resolutions satellites as well their prospective sufficient answer questions they tasked address.