Selection and breeding programs in aquaculture


DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3342-7


摘要: Preface * Contributors 1. Status and scope of aquaculture - T. Gjedrem 2. Basic genetics T.Gjedrem O.Andersen 3. Population O. Andersen B. Hayes 4. Polygenic inheritance H.B. Bentsen 5. statistical parameters I. Olesen 6. Kinship, relationship inbreeding A. K. Sonesson, J.A. Woolliams Th.H.E. Meuwissen 7. Selection J. Thodesen 8. Reproductive traits in aquatic animals Refstie 9. Methods for estimating phenotypic genetic Kolstad 10. Breeding strategies K.T. Fjalestad 11. methods 12. Design breeding programs Gjerde 13. Prediction values 14. Genotype environment interaction 15. Measuring change M. Rye 16. plans 17. Organising 18. Chromosome engineering 19. Modern biotechnolgoy 20. Genetic interactions between farmed wild fish, with examples from the Atlantic salmon case Norway Appendix References Index
