作者: Jan-Markus Rödger , Niki Bey , Leo Alting , Michael Z. Hauschild
DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2018.04.148
摘要: Abstract Automotive companies are striving for higher productivity, flexibility and more sustainable products to meet demands of central stakeholders (e.g. regulation, customers, investors). New drive systems or lightweight-design cars often imply an environmental burden shifting from one life cycle stage another, e.g. the use-stage manufacturing stage. More will be manufactured increasing population efficiency effort may lead increased consumption (rebound effect). An optimization is thus increasingly important but it has done perspective bringing product's performance in accordance with sustainability requirements. In order support finding effective solutions, framework “Sustainability Cone” was applied algorithm developed guiding definition economic target states (TS) automotive manufacturing. Especially during early phase planning, largest improvements can achieved, however not yet integrated production simulation software PLM tools). This paper describes approach its application planning a body shop, being most relevant complex steps car production. The addresses all levels, robot, cell entire line. So-called targets (LCT) introduced, which represent specific share state, reflecting importance (i.e. activity-based) each level. Using this approach, product system planned holistically any rebound effect factored sub-optimization avoided.