作者: Willys Silvers
摘要: 1: Introduction.- I. The Coat of the Mouse and Its Development.- 2: Agouti Extension Series Alleles, Umbrous, Sable.- Locus.- II. Alleles.- III. "Umbrous" Sable Determinants.- 3: ft-Locus c (Albino) b-Locus.- 4: Dilute Leaden, p-Locus, Ruby-Eye, Ruby-Eye-2.- (d) Leaden (In).- p-Locus (Pink-Eyed Dilution).- Ruby-Eye (ru).- IV. Ruby-Eye-2 (ru-2).- 5: Grey-Lethal, Grizzled, Mocha, Pallid, Muted, Misty, Pearl.- Grey-Lethal (gl).- Grizzled (gr).- Mocha (mh).- Pallid (pa).- V. Muted (mu).- VI. Misty (m).- VII. Pearl (pe).- 6: Beige, Silver, Greying with Age, Other Beige (bg).- Silver (si).- Age (Ga).- 7: Pigment Patterns Allophenic Mice Their Significance.- Standard Pattern.- Modified Patterns.- Inception Gene Activity.- Expression Albinism Occurrence Bicolored Hairs.- Hair Follicle Clones.- in Single Genotype Mice.- Etiology White Spotting.- 8: X-Linked X-Chromosome Inactivation Model.- Mottled Yellow Mottling (Ym) Pewter (Pew).- 9: Spotting: Piebald, Lethal Spotting, Belted.- Piebald Spotting (Is).- 10: Dominant Patch, Rump-White.- (W-Locus).- Patch (Ph) Rump-White (Rw).- 11: Steel, Flexed-Tailed, Splotch, Varitint-Waddler.- Steel (SI).- Flexed-Tailed (f).- Splotch (Sp) Delayed (Spd).- Varitint-Waddler (Va) Varitint-Waddler-J (Vaj).- 12: Microphthalmia Considerations.- Determinants Associated Influence Some Coat-Color on Mutation Rates.- References.- Author Index.