Early detection of antiangiogenic treatment responses in a mouse xenograft tumor model using quantitative perfusion MRI

作者: Reshmi Rajendran , Wei Huang , Annie Mei Yee Tang , Jie Ming Liang , Stephanie Choo

DOI: 10.1002/CAM4.177


摘要: Angiogenesis plays a major role in tumor growth and metastasis, with perfusion regarded as marker for angiogenesis. To evaluate antiangiogenic treatment response vivo, we investigated arterial spin labeling (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure quantitatively. Chronic 24-h acute responses bevacizumab were assessed by ASL dynamic-contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI the A498 xenograft mouse model. After MRI, vasculature was CD34 staining. 39 days of chronic treatment, decreased 44.8 ± 16.1 mL/100 g/min (P < 0.05), compared 92.6 42.9 control group. In study, treated group from 107.2 32.7 73.7 27.8 0.01; two-way analysis variance), well post dosing. A significant reduction vessel density size observed after while only reduced 24 h treatment. The correlated (r = 0.66; P 0.005) chronic, but not results DCE-MRI also detected change between groups both studies, 0 These indicate that measured can detect early vascular With its noninvasive quantitative nature, would be valuable longitudinal assessment translation animal models human.

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