摘要: orover6decades,healthcareinstitutionsintheUnitedStates (US), particularly hospitals in large urban com-munities among a few states, have recruited foreignnurses to fill staff-nurse vacancies during periods of short-age (Brush & Berger, 2002). In more recent years, however,nurse migration has intensified both scope and magni-tude the US throughout world. The “carousel” ofnurses’ international mobility (Kingma, 2006), once one-wayexchangeamongafewdevelopedanddevelopingcoun-tries, become complicated circuitous streamof global health workers flowing new directions pat-terns. Greater competition for nurse migrants lotof recruiting countries created market demand thatis translated into big business (Brush, Sochalski, Berger,2004), with it, change, competition, andmore consequences.This paper is indicate trends nursemigration, shows changes theeffects on workforce planning development ef-forts as well select donor recipientcountries. As will be shown, shortage nurses af-fecting every nation; many send receivenurses; others are becoming increasingly reliant or experiencing shortages critical pro-portions. Evidence increasing, moreover, that measuresto resolve local national interferingwith goals, including thoseset forth by World Health Organization (WHO), Inter-national Council Nurses (ICN), other internationalbodies. countries, migrant isexceeding available supply threatening pub-lic’s health. Representatives from mean-while, gained lucrative enter-prise continue import satisfy their staffingneeds.