摘要: Anabolic-androgenic steroids include the male hormone, testosterone and its synthetic derivatives. They are Schedule III Controlled Substances with legitimate therapeutic indications, but they also used non-medically to enhance physical appearance athletic performance. Patterns of illicit, non-medical use combining several anabolic-androgenic steroids, including both injection oral preparations (“stacking”) as well human veterinary preparations; using 10–100 times doses; increasing doses a peak then tapering over time (“stacking pyramid”); alternating periods non-use (“cycling”). Although for their effects, have adverse psychiatric effects hypomania or mania (especially during use), depression suicidality between psychosis, marked aggression. Adverse medical consequences illicit manifested predominantly in endocrine, hepatic, cardiovascular systems, some deaths reported. In addition abuse potential, can lead withdrawal symptoms addiction similarities differences from so-called classical addictive drugs such opioids. Addiction appears limited users, has not been documented among those treated therapeutically purposes. Approximately one-third 426 steroid users that were recruited convenience samples across five different studies met Diagnostic Statistical Manual Mental Disorders, 4th edition criteria anabolic dependence, although true prevalence is unknown. Both generally occur context intensive training weights, combined strict dietary regimens, order optimize bodybuilding effects. Screening questions suggested; knowledge psychiatric, physical, laboratory findings aids detection. The level evidence treating dependence currently based on case reports series expert opinion.