摘要: Eight mesohabitats, visually distinct units of habitat withinthestream, were sampled seasonally in a lowland chalkstreamreach. Theaim the study was to test if mesohabitats defined asstructuralunits inhabited by particular species assemblages and howthese varied with season. Classification (Bray-Curtisdissimilarityindex UPGMA) ordination analyses (DCA) thedistributionof 258 230 samples, first used check theagreement between subjectively-selected mesohabitat andtheirassociated faunal assemblages. There goodcorrespondence, andmesohabitat samples grouped into 5 major groups (Ranunculusin spring, silt, sand, gravel macrophytes)whichwere further sub-divided give total 11 whenseasonaldifferences considered. Spearman rank correlation betweenthespatial distribution environmentalvariables revealed that water velocity flow dynamicstogetherwith nature substratum, influenced distributionofthe benthic communities. To evaluate qualitative andquantitativedifferences taxa composition among mesohabitats,informationstatistics tests variance incombinationwith Tukey honestly significant difference test. The 11groupswere characterised abundance frequency indicatorspecies.Inverse analysis dominant community showed agoodequivalence their indicatorspeciesobtained direct analysis. resulting assemblagesrepresent adaptation inrelation natural environmental fluctuations. Themesohabitatscale provides convenient structural ecological unit toexaminethe functional dynamics communities inrivers.