作者: Suwenza Lius , Richard M. Manshardt , Maureen M. M. Fitch , Jerry L. Slightom , John C. Sanford
摘要: Transgenic Carica papaya plants (cv. Sunset, R0 clone 55-1) carrying the coat protein gene of ringspot virus (strain HA 5-1) remained symptomless and ELISA-negative for 24 months after inoculation with Hawaiian strains under field conditions. Non-transgenic transgenic control lacking developed disease symptoms within one month manual or four when natural aphid populations were inoculum vectors. Mean trunk diameter was significantly greater in cloned 55-1 compared virus-infected controls (14.7 cm versus 9.3 18 months). Fruit brix, plant morphology, fertility all normal, no pleiotropic effects observed. These results indicate that pathogen-derived resistance can provide effective protection against a viral over significant portion crop cycle perennial species.