摘要: While traditional academic accounts of activism emphasise vocal, antagonistic and demonstrative forms protest, geographers have begun to expand the category include modest, quotidian acts kindness, connection creativity. This paper outlines ‘quiet activism’ as small, everyday, embodied acts, often making creating, that can be either implicitly or explicitly political in nature. concept is explored with seed savers, gardeners who cultivate fruits vegetables then select save provide future generations plants for themselves others. It draws on ethnographic research individuals involved a national conservation network (The Heritage Seed Library) local swap event (Seedy Sunday, Brighton) UK. These organisations connect individual savers frame their quiet growing sharing part broad movement conserve biodiversity challenge corporate control food systems. The unpicks implications activisms performed at varying volumes, it highlights need scholars attend differing embodiments called by various modes order trace particular impacts, emotions affects. experiences elucidate power small doing critique, subvert rework dominant production consumption.