摘要: Sequencing Strategies for Parasite Genomes Daniella Bartholomeu and Najib M. El-Sayed Annotation of Matthew Berriman Midori Harris Genome Databases Web-Based Resources Christiane Hertz-Fowler Neil Hall Expressed Sequence Tags: Medium-Throughput Protocols Claire Whitton, Jennifer Daub, Marian Thompson, Mark Blaxter Analysis John Parkinson Positive Selection Scanning DNA Sequences Winston A. Hide Raphael D. Isokpehi RACE RAGE Cloning in Parasitic Microbial Eukaryotes Bryony P. Williams Robert Hirt Amplified (Restriction) Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Daniel K. Masiga C. Michael R. Turner Minisatellites MVR-PCR the Individual Identification Isolates Annette MacLeod Differentially Genes Proteins Using Transcriptomics Proteomics Gare Gene Expression Studies Self-Fabricated cDNA Microarrays Karl F. Hoffmann Fitzpatrick Content on Upinder Singh, Preetam H. Shah, Ryan MacFarlane Typing Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Toxoplasma gondii by Allele-Specific Primer Extension Microarray Detection Chunlei Su, Christian Hott, Bernard Brownstein, L. David Sibley Transfection Human Malaria Plasmodium falciparum Brendan S. Crabb, Melanie Rug, Tim-Wolf Gilberger, Tony Triglia, Alexander G. Maier, Alan Cowman A PCR-Based Method Deletion Protein Tagging Trypanosoma brucei George Arhin, Shuiyuan Shen, Elisabetta Ullu, Tschudi Function RNA Interference Appolinaire Djikeng, Tschudi, Ullu In Vitro Shuttle Mutagenesis Engineered Mariner Transposons Kelly Robinson, Sophie Goyard, Stephen Beverley Random Construction Large Diverse Clone Libraries Mutated Fragments Sudsanguan Chusacultanachai Yongyuth Yuthavong Separation, Digestion, Intact Chromosomes Embedded Agarose Vanessa Leech, Quail, Sara E. Melville Chromosome Fragmentation Leishmania Pascal Dubessay, Christine Blaineau, Patrick Bastien, Michel Pages FISH Mapping Helminth Hirohisa Hirai Yuriko Fiber-FISH: Fluorescence Situ Hybridization Stretched Klaus Ersfeld Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay Studying Protein-Protein Interactions Ahmed Osman From to Vaccines Leishmaniasis Carmel B. Stober Index