摘要: Headwater streams have long been essentially considered as conduits for the downstream transport of water and solutes arising from different hydrological reservoirs catchment including ice, snow, ground water. An alternative view is to look at “part catchment’s downvalley downgradient solutes” (Bencala, 1993). From this perspective, transported through by overland, surface channel (i. e. streams), shallow deep subsurface flow pathways. As moves downvalley, continuously exchange water, nutrients, organic matter organisms (Jones & Mulholland, 2000). Stream infiltrates into sediment multiple locations along valley corridor, travels some distance in unconfined aquifers, mixes with then returns stream. Thus, compartments are integrated components a single network, function which transport, transform, retain, connect (Fisher, 1997). The contribution within well location, direction, strength groundwater-surface exchanges also change over time (Malard et al., 2002). seasonal shift sources paths an essential feature glaciated catchments that has profound implications on biogeochemical processes biodiversity (Milner 2001).