Jasmonate-Mediated Induced Volatiles in the American Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon: From Gene Expression to Organismal Interactions

作者: Cesar R. Rodriguez-Saona , James Polashock , Edi A. Malo

DOI: 10.3389/FPLS.2013.00115


摘要: Jasmonates, i.e., jasmonic acid (JA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA), are signaling hormones that regulate a large number of defense responses in plants which turn affect the plants’ interactions with herbivores their natural enemies. Here, we investigated effect jasmonates on emission volatiles American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, at different levels biological organization from gene expression to organismal interactions. At molecular level, four genes (BCS, LLS, NER1, TPS21) responded dramatically gypsy moth larval feeding, MeJA, mechanical wounding, but degrees. The most dramatic changes BCS TPS21 (genes sesquiterpenoid pathway) were when treated MeJA. Gypsy feeding MeJA also had elevated LLS NER1 monoterpene homoterpene biosynthesis pathways, respectively). biochemical induced complex blend sesquiterpene compounds differed damage, followed diurnal pattern emission. numbers Sparganothis sulfureana moths lower while parasitic wasps higher sticky traps near MeJA-treated cranberry than those untreated plants. Out 11 leaf tested, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, linalool, linalool oxide elicited strong antennal (EAG) S. sulfureana, whereas sesquiterpenes weak EAG responses. In addition, mortality larvae increased by about 43% JA-treated as compared plants, indicating relationship among adult preference, sensitivity plant odors, offspring performance. This study highlights role jasmonate-dependent defensive pathway emissions herbivore-induced cranberries its importance multi-trophic level

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