Anatomy of seed plants

作者: Katherine Esau



摘要: INTRODUCTION. Internal Organization of the Plant Body. Summary Types Cells and Tissues. General References. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SEED PLANT. The Embryo. From embryo to Adult Plant. Apical Meristems Their Derivatives. Differentiation, Specialization, Morphogenesis. CELL. Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Plastids. Mitochondria. Microbodies. Vacuoles. Paramural Bodies. Ribosomes. Dictyosomes. Endoplasmic Reticulum. Lipid Globules. Microtubules. Ergastic Substances. CELL WALL. Macromolecular Components in Wall. Cell Wall Layers. Intercellular Spaces. Pits, Primary Pit--Fields, Plasmodesmata. Origin During Division. Growth PARENCHYMA AND COLLENCHYMA. Parenchyma. Collenchyma. SCLERENCHYMA. Sclereids. Fibers. Development Sclereids EPIDERMIS. Composition. Developmental Aspects. Stomata. Trichomes. XYLEM: GENERAL STRUCTURE TYPES. Gross Structure Secondary Xylem. Differentiation Tracheary Elements. VARIATION IN WOOD STRUCTURE. Conifer Wood. Dicotyledon Some Factors Identification VASCULAR CAMBIUM. Cambium. Changes Initial Layer. Patterns Causal Relations Cambial Activity. PHLOEM. Types. Phloem. PERIDERM. Periderm Related Periderm. Outer Aspect Bark Relation Structure. Lenticels. SECRETORY STRUCTURES. External Secretory Structures. ROOT: PRIMARY STATE GROWTH. Roots. Development. SECONDARY GROWTH ADVENTITIOUS ROOTS. Common Growth. Variations Growths. Physiologic Aspects Adventitious STEM: Morphology. STRUCTURAL Stems. LEAF: BASIC DEVELOPMENT. Histology Angiosperm Leaf. Abscission. VARIATIONS Leaf Environment. Leaves. Monocotyledon Gymnosperm FLOWER: Concept. REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE. Microsporogenesis. Pollen. Male Gametophyte. Megasporogenesis. Female Fertilization. FRUIT. Concept Classification. Fruit SEED. Seed Coat. Nutrient Storage EMBRYO SEEDLING. Mature Classification Embryos. Seedling. Glossary. Index.
