作者: Tadayuki Matsuo , Masayosi Esashi
DOI: 10.1016/0250-6874(81)80006-6
摘要: The Ion Sensltlve Field-Effect Transistor (ISFET) 1s a new, integrated device composed of conventional ion selective electrode and an InsulatedGate FET(IGFET) slmllar to the IGFET except that metal gate removed m order expose underlying msulator layer solution plays role Figure 1 shows prmclple ISFET first was reported by Bergveld [ 11, V~IXOUS devices this type have been described recent papers 2 61 ISFETs potential advantages over conventronal zon electrodes theurapid response, small size, low output impedance Addltlonally , use IC technology allows fabrlcatlon for detection several species sunultaneously These are extremely attractive P1omedlca.l apphcations nature requires they used solutions electrolytes which, from electronic point mew, hostile enwonments electrical mtegnty whole assembly cntlcal prerequlslte stable operation those devices, and, especially, protection migration hydration crltlcally unportant For these reasons, charactenstlcs greatly dependent on structure method fabrication