摘要: Parthenogenesis is the development of an unfertilized egg into a new individual. This phenomenon has long fascinated both scientists and laymen alike. Undoubtedly, most celebrated case virgin birth that given in Matthew 1, 19–25: account Jesus Christ. Whether or not one accepts this literally, can still legitimately ask question: Why contained Matthew? Most people would respond by answering there was prophecy Messiah be result birth, inserted Gospel to show met. If person asked bit more knowledgeable about Bible, he she may quote Isaiah 7, 14, which also quoted 23 reads King James version: “Behold, shall conceive, bear son, call his name Immanuel.” Thus, seems rather clear-cut. However, if same passage read New English it begins: “A young woman with child.” The word question here Hebrew almah scholars language agree simply means marriageable age, whether married (Argyle 1963, p. 28). 14 found gives Greek parthenos meaning “virgin” as translation almah. Consequently, famous instance parthenogenesis does owe its existence any “prophecy birth,” for such never existed. Instead, owes far mundane reason mistranslation from