摘要: Supernovae can perhaps be found at Zapprox. =1 using the Space Telescope and Focal Plane Camera (cryogenic charge coupled devices) a rate of approximately four per week 3 hours viewing time. If Type II supernovae are used as self-calibrating candle Zvery-much-less-than1, then I's calibrated from II's secondary standard (2 mag brighter) instead for less difficult determination q/sub 0/. This assumes all same independent Z whereas each is self-calibrated. Adequate statistics in nearby galaxies Z< or approx. further verify uniqueness I's. Three-color wide-band photometry performed over period maximum luminosity I gives time dilation proportional (1+Z)/sup -1/, color shift apparent proportionalZ/sup -2/(1+0.5(1+q/sub 0/) Z+O (Z))/sup -2/ -2/. A supernova Z=1, H/sub 0/=50, should give rise to statistically meaningful single pixel signal approx.250 photoelectrons compared an average galaxy center background approx.25 80 s integration An approx.100 large galaxiesmore » (10/sup 10/L/sub sun/) field allows approx.10/sup 4/ monitored determined by sufficiently accurately that 0/ will have twice error calibration candle.« less