摘要: Schizophrenia, like all conceptualizations of psychopathology, is a hypothetical construct that clinicians and scientists have developed in an attempt to capture complex reality. Generally, schizophrenia diagnosis applied persons who manifest some combination hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, bizarre or disorganized behavior. Although these features are seen diagnosed with schizophrenia, the heterogeneity has hindered attempts at simple conceptualizations. Three issues particular emphasized this chapter: chronic versus episodic course, positive negative symptoms, presence affective symptoms. The conceptualization chapter account for while retaining parsimonious assumption underlying schizophrenic process varying severity as function genetic liability. By hypothesizing two neurobehavioral systems contribute different types nonspecific liability affects on behavior, it might be possible important aspects without losing relatively distinct phenomenon. Keywords: delusions; hallucinations; psychosis; schizophrenia; schizophreniform; schizotypal