摘要: The general aim of this study is to analyze diverse aspects relating the use coping strategies among prison inmates. specific objectives are (a) which type predominate prisoners, considering both focus and method; (b) relate with variables related environment: time spent in prison, previous convictions (first-time vs. repeat offenders) custodial status (remand convicted inmates); (c) appraisal stressing situation previously described by prisoners; (d) cognitive level used. sample composed 107 males between 18 25 years age Centre Penitenciari de Joves Barcelona (Spain). were analyzed means Coping Responses Inventory Adult Form (CRI-Adult; Moos, R.H. (1993). Inventory. CRI-Adult Form. Manual. Psychological Assessment, Resources, Inc., Odessa, FL.). data indicate that predominant those approach. Likewise, it was found there a certain relationship problem “time prison” “previous convictions” influenced strategies. No connection intellectual found.