摘要: The glucagon gene is expressed not only in the alpha cells of pancreatic islets but also endocrine intestinal epithelium (so-called L-cells), and certain neurons brain stem. Whereas pancreas, glucagon, hyperglycaemic hormone, cleaved out 160 amino acid precursor, proglucagon, leaving behind proglucagon fragments (PG 1-30 PG 72-158, so-called major fragment (MPGF)) that are probably inactive, processing leads to formation glicentin 1-69; action uncertain) glucagon-like peptides 1 78-107amide, a potent incretin homone, regulating insulin secretion, gastrointestinal motility appetite) 2 126-158, regulator gut mucosal growth integrity). two prohormone convertases PC2 PC1/3, respectively, responsible for differential processing. After their release, hormones eliminated mainly kidneys, both GLP-2 particular GLP-1, metabolized locally circulation liver by dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) which inactivates peptides, suggesting GLP-1 acts rather than an manner. A number transcription factors have been identified can at least partly explain cellular expression as well tissue-specific precursor.