摘要: The economics discipline is broadly concerned with the allocation of scarce societal resources in context unlimited wants. Intrinsic to concept choice – that is, how can we best use when our wants are greater than available us. If were able satisfy all and needs resources, there would be no need for economics! In most economies, markets used make these decisions. Markets basically a mechanism whereby consumers producers interact such way “best” thought occur. This said an efficient allocation. Efficiency assumes correct types services being produced (allocative efficiency) least resource-intensive (technical efficiency). Inherent within concepts not just cost but also benefit derived from consumption different goods services. A central tenant opportunity true any given action (or service) which have been attained if providing or service alternative way. Therefore, both costs benefits economic thinking. Contrary much public perception, necessarily about cutting costs; rather, it using possible this idea “value,” “benefit,” “utility” (utility term often seen textbooks refer value resources). Unfortunately, many assumptions met operate ideal One important assumption aware full impact consequences choices. When market failures occur, governments sometimes intervene operation either because working properly (largely underpinning met) social-justice equity considerations (Rice Unruh, 2009).