作者: Ahmed Abdel Gadir Adam
摘要: This study aimed to investigate the frequency of prevalence and nutritive value range plant species in Raniah province KSA. Deterioration rangeland was evident by decreased appearance valuable like Rabla ( Plantago ovate ), Thumam Panicum turgidum ) which were encountered only 30% sampling sites . Results proximate analysis showed significant variation (P ˂ 0.01) all components species. The ash content, higher Funoon Arnebia hispidissima Makar Polycarpaea repens Nassi Stipagrostis plumosa (43.39, 23.30 20.26%, respectively) compared Rhodes grass Chloris gayana ). lowest proportions found Alaga Scrophularia hypericifolia Thayoum Penisetum divisum 7.67 9.73%, respectively. crude protein % (CP) high (14.28% CP). However, it 5.59 8.49 Both Sabat Cenchrus ciliaris Shouk Aljemal Alhagi graecorum had P o.o1) Crude Fibre (CF) content (47.50 47. 07%, other CF% observed Rabla, Funoon, with 24.97, 27.53, 27.52 28.53%, highest Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) (50.66%) leveling up total carbohydrates this 78.19%. Ether (EE) (6.83+0.15%) (2.40+0.27), but ranged between 1 2% remaining Rangeland rehabilitation program should be initiated sowing or seeding drought resistant species, those Poaceae family. It is however necessary raise ecosystem conservation awareness among local people province. Keywords: Arid habitat, ecosystem, perennial shrubs,