作者: R. Rimón , A. Stenbäck , E. Huhmar
DOI: 10.1016/0022-3999(66)90059-6
摘要: IN THE first studres of psychratrrc problems by the electromyographlc (EMG) techmque attentron was duected to correlatron between anxiety and muscle tensron. Chmcally verrfiable anxrety increased tensron appeared, rt seemed, as parallel phenomena, 1.e. m anxrous patrents electromyographrc measurements revealed muscular hyperactivity This could be registered multrlocally but especrally those body parts where somatrc disturbances appeared patients [l-4] Other mvestrgators [5-71 further reported that there seemed general motor hyperactrvrty in muscles, which both after exercise while at rest Recent mvestlgatlons, however, have not unreservedly supported above opmions Davldowltz et al [8] Balshan [9] find any differences EMG activity healthy subjects suffering from states when Followmg performance work, auditory stimulation were bed were, noted Shlpman aI [lo], using a very large psychological rating scale, highest potentials non-anxious with stable personality rich imagmatlon, anxious ones low values A direct correlation tension doubtful Whereas interest shown varlatlons tonus considerable, no correspondmg mvestlgatlons mto depressive emotion published untd last few years It is true Shagass Malmo [ll], havmg studled 3 patients, stated high seems connected depressed mood an elated Whatmore Ellis [12] observed 19 had statlstlcally slgmficantly higher residual actlvlty all regions reglstered than control group without psychomotor retardation, although mentloned showed exceptionally comparison other patients. mterpreted result neurones bram, state they call hyperponeszs, phenomenon considered aetlologlcal importance for appearance depression, depression hyperponesls influences hmblc system neopalhdum 1s way reflected emotlonahty thought pattern mdlvldual Thus neurone IS closely related thmkmg emotions hypothesis resembles some extent Krames’ [13] theory, accordmg manic-depressive disorder fundamentally kmd reversible dysfunction dlencephahc-rhmencephahcreticular system, psychopathological phenomena disease are secondary results this In later work Elhs [14] offered support theory observation decrease during recovery, increase again before new phase predispose patient falhng 111 agam believe Not mvestlgators studying question agree opuuon Goldstein [15] statistically trapezms frontal present only Shipman al. on hand, decreases biceps muscle, reflects how has lost will strength fight his