摘要: Metabolic bone diseases are a group of disorders caused by alterations in the chemical milieu body. In almost all cases, end result is decreased skeletal mass. This known as osteopenia or, its more pronounced form, osteoporosis. Severe osteoporosis can lead to structural failure skeleton. concept organ just valid system it heart, kidney, etc. Early stages metabolic disease may be difficult diagnose because 30% mass must removed before change appreciated on plain radiographs. Therefore, patients evaluated with DEXA scan, very sensitive radiographic study which determines loss. divided into four categories: focal osteoporosis, specific endocrine abnormalities, primary and secondary Focal results from disuse single extremity or entire Traumatic joint non-weight bearing, this cause decrease Weight bearing use skeleton necessary preserve healthy bones. mediated electric potentials generated when deformed during use. Total prolonged bed rest weightless environments.